Saturday, August 11, 2007

S.U.N treaty full fill Gods currency[sun money, insurance,underwriting

SUN ,means Sovereigns United Nation[we are all one under god]
God [the living loving grace] who gives all life to live [to live to love] lives in this everpresent [live] realtime now ,we are all children of this loving [living] grace that gives all life [thier life] to live , in the reality of this living moment in time [to live right now] [know god sustains all his children to live , RIGHT NOW ,god is alive in this real time reality we know as NOW

while the holy texts record the deeds of god [then] when our then was thier now ,god [the living loving grace lived live time then, just as he lives live time now , as he will still live live time tomorrow [when their now is realised then ,in thier then live time reality they will know as now] ,the living love was alive then as he certainly lives now

reality is only possable by god being alive now [in every now ;science calls omnipresent] that we call life in this living moment ;given one to one by the omnipotant living loving grace right now ; to each and every one of us live time right now [you know you live , this knowing of life comes from god ,who gives each life to live now ,just as words can make us see that the words intend you to see comes from the logic ,given live time from the true logus ;GOD.

think man is unique in writing words[words are sacred [sacred/words=S/words, swords] ,we are saved by sword alone [we are unique ammoung the beasts , these signs and symbols give us mind pictures ;that help us see logic in them according to as we believe them tio have logiv [from god] , too whome much is given much is expected , we dont need man/men ,nor indeed woman to saver us , only god [god is all we need , god is love ;love is god ,god lives now [right here right now in you ,in me , in all life

the beasts wont [cant get it ] they are not ready , besides , god is love , base animal need reflects them as beasts doing only that they love to be doing, mindlessly doing any thinmg they feel the love to be doing [right now] animal instinct is driven by self love [animal love ] we of higher calling [man/woman, are called by higher revelation [via the s/word] to overcome our animal natures to become higher beasts , to see the reality god gives us , not the simple beasts , animal reactions but reasoned communasl, paternal service , just as god serves the least , [yet is the most ] thus too are we called unto higher service

thus god gave us to see the logic in sacred words ,to see gods plan as men seeing [being called to higher purpose ,his plab is laid out in word, sacred word ,but he conveyed it via children, we as men seeking true service , can help fulfill gods higher reason and purpose, but we have freewill, we musdt chose to serve beasts,[animals dont even know your 'helping' them , they are controlled by fear , we called must lose all fear , all prejudgements , all hates, we are all children of the one god
called equally to share the fruit froim the tre of life [its used as money we /they can bank on in any crisis ,but it it timer to return to buisness

the seed of the tree of life is money insurance , real gods currency to save us all now [in real time where else